All You Need to Know About Dental Veneers
Fed up with hiding your smile owing to stained, chipped, broken or damaged teeth? Then dental veneers are an ideal option for you. Veneers have a natural appearance, thus enhancing your smile and boosting your self-esteem. Experienced dental practitioners claim getting dental veneers to restore the look and function of your teeth is the ideal choice. So, if you are considering getting dental veneers to hide the flaws in your smile, continue reading to find out everything about veneers.
What are dental veneers?
Veneers are thin shells made of tooth-coloured material to cover front teeth in order to enhance their appearance. They are usually used to change the colour, shape, and size of the teeth and are bonded to the surface of the front teeth.
Porcelain or composite veneers
Composite veneers are bonded directly to your teeth using a resin-based composite material. They are affordable but don’t last long; moreover, they are prone to chipping and their colour is likely to change eventually. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are highly durable and remain unchanged when maintained optimally. Even experienced dentists recommend porcelain veneers to patients who want a lasting and effective solution for their flawed teeth.
What problems can they fix?
Porcelain veneers are the easiest and quickest way of restoring teeth and improving their functionality to some extent. Here are a few dental problems that can be fixed with this treatment, including:
- Misaligned or crooked teeth
- Heavily stained teeth
- Broken or chipped teeth
- Worn-down teeth
- Gapped teeth
Application of veneers
Treatment may require 2-3 visits to your dentist. At the first appointment, the dentist carefully checks your mouth and teeth; next, they make an impression on your teeth to customise veneers that fit your teeth aptly. When scanned using a digital scanner, veneers can be prepared immediately. Temporary veneers are usually fixed until permanent ones are manufactured. Once the porcelain veneer is bonded using dental cement in the second appointment, dentists also guide you on after-care to ensure the veneers remain immaculate for a long time. The third and final appointment is usually a follow-up visit to make sure you feel comfortable after the treatment.
Veneers maintenance
Practising good oral hygiene is essential for healthy teeth and gums. However, veneers don’t require extensive care; hence, following basic oral care practices is enough for the treatment to last long. Brush twice a day and floss once a day to keep your teeth in healthy shape. Avoid eating extra hard foods that can damage veneers. Dentists often recommend wearing a bite guard at night to prevent damage to veneers. One must always follow the oral care regime as suggested by dentists to maintain their teeth and gums in healthy form.
Dental veneers enhance the appearance of your smile, boosting your confidence. Its cost varies depending on a variety of factors; it is best to seek treatment from reputable and experienced dental practitioners such as VC Dental. Our team will not just customise veneers to your liking and comfort, but also provide you with comprehensive dental care solutions.